innovate with confidence
K6 Service Offerings: What We Do
The only way to deliver customized, high-quality results in real time is to harness the power of agile teams.
The size and composition of your K6 team will be uniquely defined by your needs, which means you get laser execution at a fraction of the cost of a big law firm or consulting shop.
Each member of the K6 Network is vetted for intelligence, experience and deep subject matter expertise. Each of our contributors boasts a decade or more of experience in his or her field, and has an unassailable track record of delivering measurable results.
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
K6 Partners offers leaders in a wide variety of industries to give you a 360 degree view:
Industries: mortgage, lending, insurance, manufacturing, real estate
Departmental: procurement, sales, legal, operations, compliance, delivery, human resources, marketing, treasury, investor relations
Legal and Compliance
K6 Partners provides expert advice to ensure legal and regulatory compliance. The following are just a few of the issues K6 Partners advise on:
Data security
ESIGN (Electronic Signatures in Global & National Commerce Act)
UETA (Uniform Electronic Transactions Act) compliance
SEC/FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority)
IRS alternative signatures and electronic authentication
xDTM (XML Dataset Typing & Mapping)
SPeRS (Standards & Procedures for Electronic Records & Signatures)
IRI-STP (Insurance Retirement Institute - Straight Through Processing)
MISMO (Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization)
International e-signature and e-identity laws and regulations
Create and execute your business model
Develop a clear value proposition
E-signature polices
Acceptance policies
Internal policies