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Sep 19, 2018
ClearLaw CLE
Digital Transactions
In this webinar you’ll learn about the legal principles and precedents that will help you navigate the statutory, regulatory and practical elements of e-signature regimes. We'll cover topics such as:
- The key sources of law that influence 85% of worldwide e-signature statutes
- Reconciling contradictions between state, federal, and international laws and regulations
- Rules of thumb for advising on browse-wrap and shrink-wrap contracts
- Special considerations for consumer transactions
- What the courts are saying
Oct 10, 2018
Knobbe Martens, Seattle WA
Technology, Truth and Trust
Knobbe Martens Olsen and Bear's Seattle Office hosts an executive seminar focusing on the complex relationship between technology, and the concepts of truth and trust. Leading experts will discuss breakthrough technologies including artificial intelligence, blockchain, XR (augmented and virtual reality) and others.
Sep 05, 2018
ClearLaw Institute CLE
Smart Contracts and Distributed Ledger Technology: A Lawyer's Guide
Whether you’re an advanced technology lawyer or a tech novice, this webinar will provide you with the tools you need to speak the language of Blockchain. This course will leave you with a better understanding of the world of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and the implications for your clients and the legal profession.
You will learn:
the technical basics of blockchain, DLT, and Smart Contracts
the legal and practical issues that face your clients
what Smart Contracts can – and can’t – do.
importance of the emerging relationship between legal and engineering teams that is necessitated by contracts-as-code.
Ethical considerations for lawyers working with Smart Contracts
What "Initial Coin Offerings" are and how they may be regulated in the U.S. and abroad.
May 23, 2018
Konica Minolta Innovation Exchange - Annaheim, CA
Blockchain Innovation
Konica Minolta in Anaheim California will host an event focusing on Enterprise Innovation. Leading experts will discuss new breakthrough technologies including blockchain and artificial intelligence. Konica Minolta executives will share challenges and successes in transforming a business in an industry experiencing huge change. They'll also share new technologies that will transform the future of work. Don't miss this one-of-a-kind complimentary event!
Apr 24, 2018
Strafford CLE Webinar
Preparing Smart Contracts: Role of Counsel
While “smart contracts” have the potential to revolutionize business transactions, vulnerabilities in the operational accuracy and security of the underlying code pose a substantial risk for companies deploying the technology. Coding errors can result from software developers not having the economic perspective or legal knowledge necessary for accurate programming.
Capable practitioners add value to their clients during the planning, drafting and implementation of contract language. In the context of smart contracts, counsel must understand the detailed range of contingencies and outcomes available with a software-driven agreement, and prepare to expand their usual advisory role to address these issue.
Practitioners must also be prepared to lend insight during the software development process by identifying and correcting business errors commonly encoded before deployment of smart contracts and tailor remedies that encourage non-pecuniary resolution once a hacker exploits a vulnerability.
Our panel will prepare counsel to help clients avoid the risks associated with vulnerabilities in “smart contracts.” The panel will discuss best practices for the planning, drafting and integration of contract language designed to limit potential liabilities that may arise when vulnerabilities interfere with smart contract performance.
Apr 02, 2018
Global Blockchain Conference, Santa Clara, CA
Smart Contracts, Dumb Lawyers
Distributed ledgers are changing the way contracts are executed and fulfilled. The role of lawyers will be affected by "contracts as code," and the legal profession is not prepared. With the best of intentions, many legal practitioners are actually getting in the way of the advancements that smart contracts offer, primarily due to lawyers' lack of understanding of the basic technology concepts underlying blockchain and smart contracts. We will take an enlightening and sometimes humorous look at the mistakes lawyers make when dealing with technology issues, with a particular focus on how regulations and laws are being drafted with limited understanding of the technology.
Mar 14, 2018
SXSW Panel - Austin, TX
Smart Contracts: Are We Getting Rid of Lawyers?
Smart contracts promise to fundamentally re-write how today’s legal agreements work – converting legal code to computer code that will automatically execute, make payments, transfer ownership in property, all in an uninterruptible manner. Born from Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, many smart contract platforms claim they'll eliminate the need for lawyers! We’ll discuss how smart contracts work, their business benefits, and associated risks of trading legal frameworks for automated computer code.
Mar 06, 2018
ClearLaw Institute CLE
Copy Of -Smart Contracts and Distributed Ledger Technology: A Lawyer's Guide
Whether you’re an advanced technology lawyer or a tech novice, this webinar will provide you with the tools you need to speak the language of Blockchain. This course will leave you with a better understanding of the world of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and the implications for your clients and the legal profession.
You will learn:
the technical basics of blockchain, DLT, and Smart Contracts
the legal and practical issues that face your clients
what Smart Contracts can – and can’t – do.
importance of the emerging relationship between legal and engineering teams that is necessitated by contracts-as-code.
Ethical considerations for lawyers working with Smart Contracts
What "Initial Coin Offerings" are and how they may be regulated in the U.S. and abroad.
Mar 01, 2018
Free expert webcast
Blockchain Revolution
Panel of industry and legal experts discuss current and future trends in blockchain and distributed ledger technology.
PANEL: Brian Casey, Partner, Locke Lord; Jor Law, Partner, Homeier & Law; Neil Morganbesser, President and Founder, DelMorgan & Co; Ken Moyle, President, K6 Partners
MODERATOR: Alex Kasdan, Senior Managing Director, DelMorgan & Co.
Feb 08, 2018
ClearLaw CLE
Contract Law & E-Signatures
In this webinar you’ll learn about the legal principles and precedents that will help you navigate the statutory, regulatory and practical elements of e-signature regimes. We'll cover topics such as:
- The key sources of law that influence 85% of worldwide e-signature statutes
- Reconciling contradictions between state, federal, and international laws and regulations
- Rules of thumb for advising on browse-wrap and shrink-wrap contracts
- Special considerations for consumer transactions
- What the courts are saying
Nov 30, 2017
ClearLaw Institute CLE
Smart Contracts and Distributed Ledger Technology: A Lawyer's Guide
Whether you’re an advanced technology lawyer or a tech novice, this webinar will provide you with the tools you need to speak the language of Blockchain. This course will leave you with a better understanding of the world of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and the implications for your clients and the legal profession.
You will learn:
the technical basics of blockchain, DLT, and Smart Contracts
the legal and practical issues that face your clients
what Smart Contracts can – and can’t – do.
importance of the emerging relationship between legal and engineering teams that is necessitated by contracts-as-code.
Ethical considerations for lawyers working with Smart Contracts
What "Initial Coin Offerings" are and how they may be regulated in the U.S. and abroad.
Oct 11, 2017
Online Compliance Panel
Going Global with E-Signatures
E-signatures are fast becoming a standard operating procedure for organizations in the global business environment - are you up-to-date on the latest E-signature laws?
Starting with the laws governing electronic signatures and records in the United States, and then broadening out to the pertinent legal regimes outside the United States, the material will provide perspective on the extent to which the use of electronic signatures poses legal risks, and will offer guidance on how to minimize those risks. Finally, you will learn about new technological developments and the steps you and your clients may want to take going forward to maximize technological innovation and ensure legal compliance.
Areas Covered
E-Signature legal frameworks: US and beyond
Global E-signature implementation
Compliance issues
Risk profiles
Elements of a digital policy
Digital transformation and change management
Who will Benefit
Lawyers (law firms and inside counsel)
Operations executives
Compliance officers
Global HR executives
Sep 12, 2017
Free Webinar sponsored by Wells Fargo and ESRA
Consumer Attitudes on Mobile Signatures
Over three-quarters of Americans are now smartphone owners. For many, these devices are THE key entry point to the online world. Consequently, consumer expectations of access to financial services from their mobile devices are on the rise.
Financial institutions are finding more and more that mobile options for consumers are not options at all but instead are imperatives to business success. These include lending options upon which millions of dollars and man hours are being spent in development each and every month.
So just how comfortable are consumers with using a mobile device:
To review, understand, and sign actual legal documents?
To work through an entire loan process?
For important financial transactions with limited assistance by actual human beings?
And, what is the connection between what consumers are experiencing and their consequential behavior?
The Electronic Signatures and Records Association (ESRA) and Wells Fargo invite you to attend a free one hour webinar on Tuesday, September 12 at 2PM CST as we answer these questions and many more.
Hosted by Joe Hopper, Ph.D. of Versta Research
With commentary from Ken Moyle, ESRA Director of Public Policy & President & Chief Legal Officer at K6 Partners
Explore two independent studies (one qualitative by IBM & one quantitative by Versta)
This is your opportunity to enhance your digital electronic signature strategies through direct insight into today’s consumer needs, behaviors and desires when it comes to online and mobile eSignatures.
Aug 18, 2017
ClearLaw CLE
Contract Law & E-Signatures
In this webinar you’ll learn about the legal principles and precedents that will help you navigate the statutory, regulatory and practical elements of e-signature regimes. We'll cover topics such as:
- The key sources of law that influence 85% of worldwide e-signature statutes
- Reconciling contradictions between state, federal, and international laws and regulations
- Rules of thumb for advising on browse-wrap and shrink-wrap contracts
- Special considerations for consumer transactions
- What the courts are saying
Jul 11, 2017
E-Signature Policies for the Public Sector
State and local entities are looking for new ways to engage citizens and provide value through digital channels. Yet they face challenges that are different from those faced by private industry. What are the best practices for rolling out electronic signatures? Can a policy help? Our panel will help you avoid common mistakes and provide guidance for a smoother transition to digital government.

Jun 20, 2017
Arash Sayadi, CEO of Valteo Tech
Arash tells the story of Valteo Tech and describes his approach to solving customer problems.
May 01, 2017
Contract Law & E-Signatures
In this webinar, you’ll learn about the legal principles and precedents that will help you navigate the statutory, regulatory and practical elements of e-signature regimes. Among other things, the course will cover topics such as:
- The key sources of law that influence 85% of worldwide e-signature statutes
- Reconciling contradictions between state, federal, and international laws and regulations
- Rules of thumb for advising on browse-wrap and shrink-wrap contracts
- Special considerations for consumer transactions
- What the courts are saying
May 03, 2017
Momentum cocktail reception - San Francisco
Meet fellow digital transformation leaders and members of the K6 Network. Hosted cocktails and hors d'ouvres. Our non-traditional conversations will take place at Urban Tavern, located at 333 O'Farrell St in San Francisco, starting at 7:15 pm.
Spots are limited, so please register here.
Apr 25, 2017
E-Signatures and International Contracting
This CLE webinar will provide counsel involved in international transactions with a review of recent legal trends and developments regarding e-signatures and electronic contracts. The panel will examine evolving legal and practical issues, including the authentication of e-signatures; the admissibility of electronic contracts and e-signatures in litigation; and the implications of U.S. and international laws governing contracting via electronic means.
May 11, 2016
International Association for Contract & Commercial Management EMEA Conference, Rome, Italy.
Feb 04, 2016
Digital Transformation of the Legal Department
Drafting business documents. Presented at University of Washington Law School, Seattle, WA.
Oct 20, 2015
Association of Corporate Counsel Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
Presented by the ACC IT, Privacy & eCommerce Committee
Commercial transactions move at a breakneck pace in today’s business environment. Technological advancements in contract drafting programs, word processing, and video/telephone conferencing have enabled more agreements to be completed in less time. Even so, a bottleneck persists for many organizations during the execution phase of an agreement, governed by archaic principles that don’t take advantage of current laws and technologies. This session explores the various types of electronic signatures, current laws surrounding electronic signatures, products and services available to support electronic signatures and best practices for adopting an electronic signature program.
Robert Harrison, Corporate Attorney, AutoZone, Inc.
Ken Moyle, Chief Legal Officer, DocuSign, Inc.
Dan Puterbaugh, Director and Associate General Counsel, Adobe Systems, Inc.
Daniel Slawe, Corporate Counsel, SAP America, Inc
Jun 01, 2015
Lecture with Claire Debney and Gregory Leveau. Association of Corporate Counsel Europe, Munich, Germany.
Ken Moyle covers the thinking behind ink signatures as a means of identity, and attempts to decode the European eIDas regulation in the context of electronic contracting internationally.
Webinars: Continuing Education
Oct 12, 2016
The key sources of law that influence 85% of worldwide e-signature statutes
How to reconcile contradictions between state, federal and international laws and regulations
Some Rules of thumb for advising on Browse-wrap and shrink wrap contracts
Special consideration for consumer transactions
Jun 08, 2016
After decades of empty promises about “going paperless,” businesses are finally crossing the threshold of what we now call “digital transformation.” Paper-and-ink-based processes are not just being automated; they are being uprooted and redesigned by a new generation of executives who embrace technology as a necessary survival tool.
How has the law kept up with these rapid changes? How can legal practitioners help their clients mitigate risks and realize the benefits of going digital?
Our panel lays down a firm foundation of legal principles and precedents to help you navigate the statutory, regulatory, and practical elements of e-signature regimes, both in the US and internationally.
Aug 19, 2015
In today's world, electronic signatures on PDFs are replacing pen-and-ink signatures on paper contracts. Are they legal, and what are the ramifications?
In this program, our experienced panel will discuss this transition to new technology and how the law has evolved to adjust to the modern era, as well as the validity of electronic signatures and documents under U.S. law, international considerations, record-keeping, and best practices generally.
Topics of discussion will also include:
Select legal and regulatory issues
Special issues involving consumer transactions
Reconciling state and federal laws
Current technology
Contracting in the Cloud
Jun 08, 2015
In this program, our experienced panel will discuss this transition to new technology and how the law has evolved to adjust to the modern era. They will discuss the validity of electronic documents under U.S. law, and various issues involving consumer transactions, international considerations, record-keeping, evidentiary considerations and best practices generally.
Attendees will learn about:
Select legal and regulatory issues
Special issues involving consumer transactions
Reconciling state and federal laws
International issues
Contracting in the Cloud

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